What happened to the Fishing Trip Reviews?

Hey guys and gals, I want to talk to y'all about the Fishing Trip Reviews.

Every now and then I'll get a comment to the effect of "where are more recent fishing trip reviews?"

Let me clear things up regarding that:

First and foremost any successful fishing trip is based upon the CONDITIONS and NOT spots.

So, if you're just looking to get recent fishing spots, then I'm sorry because you're in the wrong membership.

I have FTRs spanning the four seasons of the year and, while I don't have one for every single condition in every single place, there are ones for most of them.

They are there to show the process to finding fish, that's all.

What worked in 1998 works in 2018 and still works in 2021.

Learn the conditions and you'll learn the fish. That's really all I can say.

Secondly, virtually all of the fishing videos that go on YouTube end up going there anywhere from 14 to 45+ days after they were recorded.

So, getting those fishing spots isn't going to help you.

Thirdly, every other member of LAFB Elite has access to the same information, so you're not really helping yourself if you're just fishing a freebie that a dozen other boats are going to be, too.

By now it must make sense to focus on the PROCESS of finding and catching fish and not the actual fishing spots.

Lastly, expecting me to publish an FTR for every fishing trip I go on is an unrealistic expectation.

I don't exist in a vacuum, and what I mean by that is my actions are seen and perceived differently throughout the inshore fishing community, whether it be weekend warriors or fishing guides.

If I handed out every spot I fished then I'd be burning bridges, straining friendships and making my life a lot harder than what it needs to be, which kind of defeats the purpose of going fishing and running LAFB in the first place.

It doesn't matter if a spot gets burned or not, the perception only needs to be there and to me that is a big deal because I've built a reputation as a professional angler who doesn't need his hand held to find and catch fish, as well as a brand with a strong reputation of teaching anybody who is willing to learn the process and mechanics to finding and catching fish.

--> The FTRs were never meant to give anybody fishing spots, they were meant to show the process. <--

So, I hope I've cleared up this issue and am more than happy to answer any questions you guys have.

Thank you!
