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I love that stuff too. Looking at those images can we figure out what super accelerated the land loss? Smh i know we need oil, and all that , but who thought allowing them to turn land into swiss cheese was a good idea?
like this random section of marsh from 1990 and 2011. Crazy
Thanks, The coordinates for this one work fine.
I’ve made a number of trips out there in that same area this year, i haven’t found much luck. a few decent trips out there earlier in the year , but nothing to write home about. I was starting to think it was just me lol. Throw back/keeper ratio is like 50/1 maybe worse.
This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by
This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by
@CaptainDevin you should do a course on coordinate system types, and conversions. I cant figure that out for the life of me. I know that is written in lat/long but then GED uses decimal degree system i believe. If you copy paste those coordinates into GED it takes you to somewhere in TIBET and if i flip the numbers around, its somewhere in the artic ocean haha.
I think i commented this on the original post and think someone explained it, but i dont remember…
Thanks for report. The dolphins (they arent porpoises) definitely follow our boats around. And they 100% are picking off anything you throw back. Im a conservationist at heart, but on my last trip i found myself like the offshore guys with sharks saying ” i wish we hunt these dolphins” lol. I assume their only natural predators out there are other dolphins and sharks.
I’ve made a few trips lately but as you’ve pointed out, the fishing just isn’t that great in lake p basin at the moment. Hopefully that changes.
It works. Thanks. What data is that? its pretty vague unless i did something wrong.
Your link doesn’t seem to work…. Wait I didn’t follow directions lol
This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by
This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by
Thanks. With a lot of stuff id rather pay someone, but its finding someone who can promptly, and correctly do the work. “ill put you in a virtual queue and call you a day or 2 before i can do the work so you can bring it by” doesn’t seem like the standard protocol for the boating industry.
Instead its like ” I’m backed up for 8-9 weeks, leave it here today and ill call you when i get to it and my only guess on cost is A LOT” ..
I’m looking for the boat trailer guru, who can fix the stuff i don’t even know is broken. I’ve been a boat owner for 4 years, and i can only think of 1 place I’ve brought my boat to and been totally happy at, and that is pier 21 marine.
Yeah definitely true. For me anyways. It’s always the unknown that keeps me away. Knowing, for sure, someone has crossed this path before, definitely helps ease that tension.
I think of the rigolets for example, south of The L&N rail bridge, they have those old pilings just under the surface or right at the surface on both sides, if you aren’t familiar with the area and try to cross under that bridge too close to land, your going to have a bad day. Totally not marked. That kinda stuff makes me go “eh, I got 10 fish, do I really need the other 5? Things are already going so well, do I really need to screw this up by running to that unknown spot” haha
I have a slip right there near vinots, the past 2-3 years I’ve done reasonably well over there.
Yeah it’s usually a lot of running on the water, but it’s like 20mins from my house. The 2 biggest perks have been being able to make frequent quick trips(like 2-3 hr trips), and in the fall/spring when that area turns on (aka everyone and their brother is out) I can skip every line and the associated ramp circus that follows.
When I say I plan on getting out the slip at the end of this year , I just mean ending my none existent lease. For 2 reasons, the reason I’ve listed above, and because I hate renting things, really considering buying waterfront land and build my own slips… but time will tell on that. Anyways point is I’ll still be trailering till then when necessary . I normally trailer all winter anyways, I’ll typically run from south shore marina to mrgo bayou b. Area
I would have never gone down there and launched in the dark without having a track to follow. Although now having been down there, it’s not any more confusing then anywhere else. In fact it’s probably better than the rigolets area.. as far as navigational aids go.
Thanks Devin. I knew going down there for the first time that cards were stacked against me. But now that I’ve went it’s opened my mind up to other places in that area. Like grand isle… that’s next on my list of places to go to next. I’m actually considering moving my boat out of the slip and start storing it on trailer at my house, after this fall. That will motivate me to try different places.