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I think y’all need to start fishing fall spots beginning right now.
Also, I am glad to see a good fishing report! I have heard that the redfish have been good in Delacroix, they’re just not sightfishable, or are more easily caught under a cork or blind casting.
Great report, thanks for posting!
That Avid is a nice boat and perfect for the fall fishing that’s right around the corner. Thank you for introducing yourself!
Hey David, I’m glad you’re here! Yeah, the MS Coast is awesome. Tons to do there and all you have to do is go for a walk on the beach. I heard folks have been gigging some flounder pretty well.
Thank you for posting an intro!
All I can say is “welcome to being informed about coastal restoration”.
It’s a fourth job on top of your actual job, then being a dad, being a husband, and whatever else comes before knowing the umpteen-million things going on with coastal restoration that are totally out of control.
Good job, but maybe remaining ignorant is better for your mental health.
St. Bernard Parish did something similar in 2012 when George Ricks took it upon himself to read the Master Plan and proceeded to empty his bowels into his pants repeatedly as he learned about the mid-Breton sediment diversion that had been on the books for a long time.
I’m not saying I agree with it, I am saying that a lot is being done that people don’t know about and, as a result, have not given their input.
This isn’t some intangible “politician” lining his pockets, its people not paying attention because they have 1,973,462 other things going on.
I can’t wait for them to install locks in Chef and Rigolets Passes and completely ruin the migration routes of shrimp, crab, tarpon, speckled trout, redfish and more.
If you thought Lake Pontchartrain’s fishing sucked, wait until they cut it off, all so we can save infrastructure that should have never been built to begin with.
Well, we get out towards the mouth and there is a massive dredge boat working in the middle of the pass. Then the only storm cell along the entire gulf coast opened up on us.
There is truly not a thing you could have done about that other than have a local provide that intel. Even then, I’m not sure, because you can’t see it on Sentinel EO, though you can see the dredge and spoil on 8/19.
So, great. That entire fishing spot is trash now. lol Just….geez.
A family of 7 checked into the room next to us and brought what sounded like a mariachi band. They didn’t shut it down until 2 in the morning.
Ahhhh….”camp culture”. People staying up late and drinking and partying as if it’s more important than the fishing. I always disliked that. Just go to bed and go fishing. Go to Bourbon Street for staying up late and drinking.
Water temp was 91 degrees in 4 feet of water off the beach
That’s ridiculously hot for fish and people.
I think we would have had much better luck if we had gone out to the rigs and fished a heavy drop shot of 1/2 oz jig in 20 ft of water.
I agree. That and the sunk Timbalier Rocks. That deeper water away from land is gonna be cooler. I know when I went on my recent Breton Sound trip that the water in the marsh was 90+ but in the Sound it stayed in the high 80s.
Looking forward to the fall boys.
You and me both.
I’m just making content and resisting the temptation to go lookin’ for ’em.
Great report, thanks for posting it!
Man, what a difference.
The old pads looked like they were pulled off the bottom of Lake Borgne. LOL Like…wow.
Trailers are so overlooked. I’m glad you got yours squared away and, to be honest, you probably saved yourself a buttload of work and money by just doing it yourself.
Some people working at boat shops are room-temperature IQ with the pride of their work to match. I hate it’s that way, but good work is hard to find on the first try.
Plus, when you do it yourself, you know exactly where everything is.
Thanks for coming back and letting us know how it went.
AdministratorAugust 27, 2024 at 5:32 pm in reply to: 8/17/2024 Chandeleur Sound Storm Escape – Lake Borgne TroutThe game plan for this trip was to fish island points in the East Biloxi Marsh for speckled trout, then carry on eastward to try for snapper at some shallow wrecks in northeast Chandeleur Sound (keeping a heavy rod rigged for ‘targets of opportunity’ during the open water crossings), and then look for tripletail on the ride home.
That’s brilliant, love it!
I noticed four boats fishing the big Lake Borgne Block-22 platform as I passed, wondering if there were really any trout in that close
It’s possible, but if they are, then they are surely getting hammered by everyone and their mom. That rig is just so close.
I dodged rain showers for the next 45 minutes or so, steering for the clear skies at the edge of the storm, and eventually make it back to Deepwater Pass.
Wow, that’s a legit adventure right there. Straight up! You don’t see that at the bowling alley!
For that alone I love those long treks into the middle of nowhere. I’m probably gonna cave and just get another bay boat just for that.
Anyway, great report, thanks for posting!
Welcome to the forum and thank you for posting an intro.
I don’t know if you come down I-59 at all, but if so, then Gus’s Tackle in Slidell has a lot of the inshore tackle we use here.
I’m ready for this weather to cool off and fall to kick in.
Hey Jesse, welcome to the community!
Do you not go to Lake Decade during the winter? I’m not sure if that’s a shorter drive or not, but it looks like it on a map.
That and Vermilion Bay! Vermilion Bay is on fire right now, if you make the run out to Tiger Shoals and I guess the oyster reefs on the south side of Marsh Island.
The Cove will be good here in the next 30 days if it’s not already.
Either way, I’m glad you posted an intro.
Thank you, Jesse!
I’m 99% positive I can.
Tomorrow morning I am addressing app development and debugging. At that time I’ll look into it and see what can be done.
Thank you for bringing this up!
If it works and especially if it’s cheaper, then why the hell not?
AdministratorAugust 25, 2024 at 10:44 am in reply to: LOWRANCE USR TRAIL VERSION 6 NOT SUPPORTED?What year is your Simrad, do you know?
I am guessing that it’s a newer model that has some kind of .USR type that GPS Babel doesn’t recognize or can’t work with.
<insert cussing GPS manufacturers for making things harder than what they need to be>
This URL provides a lot of technical specs from GPS Babel that I don’t expect you to use, but maybe someone else who searches this in the future will: https://www.gpsbabel.org/htmldoc-development/fmt_lowranceusr.html
If you give me some time I can figure out a solution.
For now, I would investigate if your Simrad can export files in .gpx format instead of .usr.
NOTE: Everyone should shove their proprietary file format where the sun doesn’t shine and just use .GPX!!!
After that, try GPS Visualizer: https://www.gpsvisualizer.com/convert_input
Let us know how it goes.
Also, thank you for posting about this. I love this kind of content/discussion and hope more people do the same so we can solve these technical challenges. You don’t find this kind of discussion on FaceCrap!
AdministratorAugust 27, 2024 at 5:40 pm in reply to: LOWRANCE USR TRAIL VERSION 6 NOT SUPPORTED?Sounds good. Just let us know.
Don’t forget to try GPS Visualizer, either.
Sort of.
I’ve been meaning to make it awhile. The pictures and video for it was shot awhile back, the text just needed to be written out.
The dredge down by LaPlace does a much better job marking their discharge line than the one in Lake Catherine.
Superior surely has what you’re looking for. I’m about 100% positive they have all the same manufacturer’s reps as Puglia’s, Chag’s, Gus, etc.