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  • Devin

    October 17, 2024 at 1:59 pm in reply to: Dulac and Cypremort Point Suggestions

    I’m bumping this back to the top because I am shocked no one has said anything about this, especially Dulac with all the northeast wind that’s predicted.

  • Devin

    October 17, 2024 at 1:47 pm in reply to: Discount code

    Yep! It’s right here.

    FWIW, I haven’t kept up on those discount codes. They may or may not work. I have no idea. They’re really not a core offering of LAFB Elite because it is tiring keeping up with all these companies and whatever mood their owners are in. I’d rather spend that time writing, developing the app, building out this site, etc.

    After that, I have an email address: devin at lafishblog dot com

    But I’m glad you posted it here so others could see it. Thank you.

  • Devin

    October 16, 2024 at 10:26 am in reply to: I want your opinion

    Do you already have a GPS on the boat?

  • Devin

    October 15, 2024 at 1:20 pm in reply to: Matrix shad weedless?

    Sometimes yes, sometimes no. What kind of grass? Like the tape grass in Lake Pontchartrain or milfoil in the marsh?

  • Devin

    October 14, 2024 at 5:59 pm in reply to: Hopedale trip planning 10/20

    OR….what I would do is:

    Greet everyone you’re fishing with at the dock with a 24oz Red Bull in each hand, smash them together, dump the fluid into your open mouth and give them this brief: STFU AND HANG ON

    Literally their only job is not fly out the boat.

    Then haul ass out of Doulut’s, if there are birds going crazy, great then fish them. If not, resist the urge and KEEP GOING. Then haul balls to Bayou Sue and go STRAIGHT to that 90 degree bend just before #8 and look at your sonar. If you see bait balls give it three casts. If you don’t see bait balls then LEAVE. If you do cast and don’t land three 15″ slobs in a row then LEAVE and make that outboard scream for it’s life for #10. Again, if there isn’t magic right away LEAVE THAT GARBAGE.

    Help those kids get their rods put away fast.

    Unless there is a friggin’ mermaid at spots 11-14 with a neon sign pointing at a limit of non-throwback hammer trout KEEP GOING to 15 before some troglodyte gets there or the tide peeters out on that end of the marsh.

    If the world of inshore fishing is not absolutely on freakin fire at 15 then I’d reiterate (loudly) my “STFU AND HANG ON” policy and try to blow up my motor getting to 16. Like, if somebody was slow reeling in their cork the they would be reeling it in through the boat’s wake as we broke the sound barrier for 16.

    Then I would work my way back down through Bayou Biloxi, Muscle Bay, Stump, down to St. Malo and fish those cuts into Magnolia Lagoon and try Jahncke’s Ditch, which will be protected from the wind.

    Honestly, given the conditions, I think the day will be made at 15, 16 and maybe 21.

    Don’t waste time dicking around with BS throwbacks, croakers, pinfish, “omg my bait flew off” or any of that other crap. Not on a day like that. I know that wind is gonna blow but a 2.3ft falling tide in MS Sound is gonna suck those shrimp out. I’ll be shocked if you don’t smash them.

    So yeah, that’s what I would do.

  • Devin

    October 14, 2024 at 5:40 pm in reply to: Hopedale trip planning 10/20

    Yeah, so this is pretty much a copy/paste Devin fall trip to the Biloxi Marsh. LOL Great minds think alike.

    It looks like the wind is gonna blow out of the E/NE for awhile before the day of your trip. Water will be up, but it WILL fall with a 2ft tide range. Not as much if that wind weren’t blowing, but it will. So you have that going for you.

    After that, I wouldn’t fish Shell Beach area right away. With high tide at 3:30am you may have some falling water first thing in the morning, but it won’t be falling hard. Even if it is, it wouldn’t have been falling as the other side of the marsh toward Lake Eugenie would be.

    I would haul ass straight for that bayou at the bottom of the Lakes of Bayou Marron (#16), because high tide over there is closer to a full three hours ahead. Then I would fish that hard 90-degree bend in Bayou Biloxi, as well as your 21, and anywhere I see a buttload of diving birds. I would fish the north shoreline of Muscle Bay (your 22 and 23 are great) and Stump Lagoon. The mouth of Crooked Bayou going into Eugenie will probably be getting rocked by that wind but don’t be surprised if birds, shrimp and fish are there anyway.

    Then I’d work my way back and hit those spots you have along St. Malo.

  • Devin

    October 14, 2024 at 1:57 pm in reply to: 10/13/2024 Lake Borgne.

    If that tide was falling you would’ve crushed them. No doubt in my mind. The effort and skill was there, the conditions were not. That’s fishing unfortunately. Next time you’ll wreck ’em.

    For now, great report and thank you for posting it!

  • Devin

    October 14, 2024 at 1:56 pm in reply to: Hopedale trip planning 10/20

    Most excellent fishing trip planning. Thank you for providing details and something for us to work with.

    I am writing right now and will be for the rest of the day, but will make time later to come back and give this my full thought.

    Again, thank you. This is dynamite stuff.

  • Devin

    October 14, 2024 at 8:50 am in reply to: 10/11/24 Hopedale Community Honey

    What did you friends say? They had to have said something about the move to the Castle and the day in general. I’m sure they loved it.

    Martello was a great play. I wonder if more boats were there in the morning, struck out, then went home. I think you really nailed it, just have those HDS rigs ready to go. That sure does make life a lot easier.

    Y’all did great. Excellent report. I loved the big reveal. lol Thank you so much for posting this and I hope you’re able to get out there again soon.

  • Devin

    October 13, 2024 at 4:00 pm in reply to: Delacroix 10.13.24 Good Action today

    “Bounced around to about 5 different places and had action on every one, putting 2 or 3 in the box each spot and throwing back 3 times as many”

    Sounds like Wednesday for me. Good to see the consistency. I am guessing the tide wasn’t falling and you got on a morning bite, so I bet the afternoon was even better. Which is great.

    “My buddy had live but I did just as good with plastic”

    The bait is already in the water. I’m not being critical, I’m just pointing out that someone took that bait out of the water (probably not far from where you were fishing), sold it to your buddy who then gave it a boat ride back to where it came from. As you saw, the fish just as readily bit plastic. It’s the same thing minus the hassle and cost. Just an observation.

    “Caught some big white trouts.”

    There have been some nice whites out there! Very good to hear about more of them. Most excellent.

    “I had a nice box with variety: specs, white trout, redfish, flounder, and I kept two huge crabs.”

    That’s a great day on the water. Glad to hear it, and I think you will only end up catching more and more as the water temperature drops.

    Great report, thanks for posting!

  • Devin

    October 13, 2024 at 12:44 pm in reply to: GED TO MY GARMIN

    That’s a good question and I’m glad you’ve taken time to post it.

    My understanding is that Garmin units take a .gpx file.

    So you will have to save your waypoints/tracks as a .kml file (as outlined inside 101) then convert that to a .gpx file using GPS Babel or GPS Visualizer (instead of .usr, as outlined in 101), put that on an SD card, insert inside your Garmin and then (I assume) you will be prompted as to whether or not you want to upload the .gpx file.

    That’s what I figure off the top of my head. I am hoping someone who actually has a Garmin can chime in with their personal experience.

  • Devin

    October 12, 2024 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Delacroix 10.12.24

    Great report, thanks for posting!

  • Devin

    October 17, 2024 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Discount code

    I cook my own chicken, trust me, I know. $30 goes a long way. LOL I’m glad it worked out for you and glad you asked!

  • Devin

    October 15, 2024 at 6:30 pm in reply to: Matrix shad weedless?

    Sounds like turtle grass.

    I wouldn’t go weedless for that. I just clear the hooks and keep them exposed for better hookups. Usually I am throwing something that suspends and mostly stays out of it. If it’s that thick and I can’t get a bait into it, I will consider topwater.

    I wonder if you’re too heavy and dragging through it.

    When sightfishing redfish I will use a Texas Rig to stay weedless and pull the craw through thick grass without getting hung up.

    Eye Strike does make some weedless jigheads that are nice to use. Or just Texas Rig a swimbait.

  • Devin

    October 14, 2024 at 6:00 pm in reply to: Hopedale trip planning 10/20

    +1 on #9 there, it could be protected nice and pretty from that wind

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