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“Guy reeled it in, and it was another fishing pole someone had lost overboard.”
It’s like we live in a simulation. That’s just unreal. lol
“I was a bit surprised we didn’t pick up any quality trout along the rocks in the MRGO”
I don’t see why they would bother there when there’s still a ton of shrimp and the water is warm.
“Only thing I can figure is the water temps are still pretty high for this time of year?”
Yeah, they’re ridiculously high.
Great report, thanks for posting!
I’m not, but with the river at 5ft and climbing I think that Barataria or Delacroix are great choices.
Or rather, it’s gonna be at 5ft very soon. I’ll probably be down there Tuesday running routes in the marsh to figure out where it’s safe to go and not go, like the marsh between Bay Denesse and Baptiste Collette. Otherwise, I’m not fishing this weekend.
“Kenny has the #2 state trout at 11.99 lbs”
Myself and many others have reason to believe that Leon Mathes’ fish is a fraud and that Kreeger actually holds the #1 spot.
” I was more than happy just to have an opportunity to talk fishing with these two legendary trout fishermen”
Yes indeed! Living legends! Count yourself fortunate.
“Best part of the trip was nerding out over trout with the two captains. Dudley and i talked at length about the estuary, our fisheries, size and creel limits, pogey boats, bureaucrats, techniques, land loss, etc”
Man, someone needs to get those two on a long-format podcast. They’re an inshore treasure. That’s so cool you got to hang out with them.
“Dudley said no, he doesn’t think we’ll ever see it again, and he attributes it to 1 thing: pressure.”
I can’t disagree with him. He’s spot on. There’s something akin here to hunting deer with rifle vs bow: there’s different seasons and regulations for both. I’m not suggesting anything other than we should collectively think and talk about it. The weather forecasts alone are so much better than what they were. A savvy angler is way more capable than what he used to be just due to that, not to mention everything else you listed.
Very important: that’s why I do what I do with LAFB. Everything you mentioned is not news to me. I’ve had a lot of time to sit and think long and hard about it. I hope that with what I do here I am able to influence people to take a journey similar to mind and that, in parallel with the rise of technology, foster a rise and growth in a conservation mentality. Not some tree-hugger crap, but something that amounts to respecting the fishery as being more than “makin’ groceries” and putting the right fish back into the water.
I have seen the fruit of this effort, more or less, but not as many as I would like to see. Not enough juice for the squeeze. Too many people still treat the marsh like a grocery store. They take more than they give. Some days it’s enough to have me consider moving on to something else where I can have a positive impact while I’m still young enough to do so.
Who cares about those 4 trout! What matters are the legends you got to fish with.
Thank you so much for making time to come back and tell us about it!
It’s also worth noting that the river was, of course, moving the entire time. It was ripping pretty good. But whenever I got outside of the river the water wasn’t moving much. It was neap.
Yeah, I caught my trout in the river, but I am getting the feeling (after looking at past reports) that the trout bite is better when the tide is good, even if in the river. So, coming up this weekend we have some good wind and tide predicted. Let’s hope the fishing picks up as a result of that.
“I thought sure you would find them in all the areas you fished initially. I figured I just suck at fishing and you would catch them for me. lol.”
Nope, you fished them well, they’re just not productive. Or we both suck.
“It is wild about the weather and how warm it is. When I was there last, I saw tons of boats running down Joseph Bayou into East Bay. It was bay boats and flats boats. It made me wonder if there may be a bite down there.”
Probably. But I wasn’t going in there with that nasty south wind. If the wind weren’t being such a PITA I would have tried South Pass and sneaking into East Bay.
“I know the Carter brothers with ReelShot Guide Service have been hammering the trout down there,”
LOL Of course they are. When I checked that FB page I didn’t see a post more recent than November 5th, when the conditions were better (consistent wind, no rain and lower river). I’m sure the trout are somewhere, I just need more TOW to figure it out.
“Crazy you had to go find the trout all the way north at Bay Denesse. Still glad you found them though to make it worth your grind! Great report.”
Thank you!
Oh, and overall ran 101 miles. That’s a lotta work for grinding 15 specks, but I haven’t been down there since January and don’t have anyone telling me where to go or what to do. So it’s a good base for the next fishing trip. I’ll take it.
Great report, thanks for sharing. I’m sure the fishing will get even better once it cools off. This November has just been weird!
It took some work and poking around, but I caught a limit of speckled trout. It was a long day. I’ll post a report tomorrow. Right now I have to put everything away and get some much needed rest.
Last minute change: I’ll launch out of Venice instead of PLH. There will be some stuff I won’t get to see as a result, but will give me more of Venice to fish. I’ll let y’all know how I make out late tonight or sometime tomorrow.
Okay, F it, I’m going. Someone’s gotta follow up on the tip of the spear aka @Boyce
I keep hearing horror stories about the LNG Plant traffic and how bad it is in Belle Chasse, etc. Well, that’s time I can spend covering water and fishing, so I’m gonna launch at Beshel’s and make that run down the river. The problem is the wind, but if you look at Windfinder right now you’ll see that the predicted 20mph NE wind will be cutting across the river, rather than down it, giving me lee water to ride in. I’ve made this run in these conditions before and made out okay and I think I can make good speed down the river. There’s a couple bends that will get sporty, but what I have now that I did not have then are protected routes in the marsh paralleling the river from PLH to Ostrica and even under Bay Denesse. This is LTS at work. I ran those routes when the water was much lower during the summer, so I can run them fine in my Tracker tomorrow.
I really don’t know how far south I will get. Last year I was catching trout and redfish in the river well above Venice as far north as Buras, but the river was also below 3ft and stable. Tomorrow she’s coming up above 4ft. She looked clean on Geosphere and numbers clean on a turbidity monitor at Belle Chasse.
Gotta go to know!
Last year I made a few runs like this and they were easy 100 mile days. One day was 121 miles. But I’d rather be covering that water and graphing it and putting a bait in it that sitting in LNG traffic trying to pay attention to a podcast.
Better wind is coming up and I do think the river will go down, so tomorrow will be good scouting for that. I will build upon what Boyce scouted if I make it that far south and, if I don’t, I’ll let y’all know what I find that far north.
I’m also leaving a float plan with a friend and taking a satellite communicator that will be clipped to my PFD in case SHTF.
It could fall out on Thursday. It looks like it’s north enough to do so.
Ok, I see. Well, it looks like the wind is gonna lay down, I would definitely suggest fishing more spots than just the Rock Dam. If I were you, I’d head south of there and fish the rocks on the east side of the MRGO and even hit the Long Rocks and Lake Anathasio, as warm as the water has been! That and a great report came out of there a little while ago. Tight lines!
Well, this is good intel. I’ll reconsider launching from PLH then. You guys didn’t fish the Jump by any chance?
I’ll have to get back to you on this, there’s a lot of work I must to do to get ready for tomorrow.