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Yeah, I got a report yesterday that they’re there in The Jump despite the water being garbage. It has cleaned up a bunch and is still cleaning up. Great report, thank you for posting!
I’m glad you guys found them, when I saw the title I wasn’t confident y’all whacked ’em. Y’all limited out and that’s great. Maybe the Biloxi Marsh is coming back. Great report, thanks for posting!
I’m surprised you didn’t see shrimp at all during the day?
Either way, you caught fish. Excellent work. Great report, and thank you for posting it!
Looks like you got it figured out, thanks for making time to post about it so we could get it figured out.
“My son was devastated”
Well, I’m 40 and I still feel that way when I miscount. lol
Man, Lafitte is doing great. I’ll get down there sometime before the New Year.
Great report, thanks for posting!
I’m assuming you fished spots better suited for winter? I’ve done well of the Spoil, but only when it was much colder. Let us know next time you want to go fishing and we may be able to get you pointed in a better direction. Great report, thanks for posting!
Also, don’t underestimate how much the fishing pressure has absolutely hammered the trout. They left, either in an ice chest or to somewhere they are not pressured. The Trestles and Hospital Wall are community holes that every swinging Dick, Tom and Harry have absolutely raped and pillaged repeatedly for the last few weeks. Fish stuff that doesn’t stick out of the water and attracts every potlicker, fairweather fisherman, idiot-in-general, etc. I would not be surprised to learn the trout are there trying to get by.
I am not a big fan of vanity metrics, but I will take a look. Right now I’m dealing with Apple and don’t want to change anything until after the app is approved, *if* it ever gets approved.
Also consider that fishing reports are not best used for the short term, they are best used for the long term. This is for many reasons, but one being that in the future we will have your reports as a measuring stick for how good the fishing was in 2024.
A lot of people don’t read “old” articles, fishing reports, videos, etc. because they mistakenly believe (based upon what expertise, I have no idea) that there’s an expiration date involved. There is not. The best reports tend to be reports from yesteryear and the year before that. That’s why I’m so upset that all the RodnReel reports are mostly gone. A great measuring stick has been lost, especially for a Saltening.
Now, to save yourself time, you can reference a previous report and say “today was like that day but with these differences” (if there are any).
Either way, we are exceedingly grateful for your reports. People are looking at them, even if they don’t take time to comment or thank your efforts.
Man, I appreciate it but I get my truck back today. Member fishing trip some other time lol
To be clear, you are fishing the deeper water off of the rocks. You are not casting to the rocks (though I would try anyway). It’s like you’re fishing in the River, like you’re fishing the length of a ledge. I remember last year seeing tons of boats in the ICW there whenever I’d cross the Green Bridge. So there must have been some fish there when they weren’t really anywhere else in the immediate area.
I got rear ended at a stop sign and am getting the bumper fixed.
The river appears to have cleaned up a good bit, but for all I know he ran way east, west or south. Lotta water to cover out there. lol
I think if you stuck with fishing Oak River and the bays around it you will be good. Specifically, Bay Jack Nevette, Pointe Fienne, Baker’s Bay and Pontons Bay.
It’s River aux Chenes on GED. Oak River is just the Anglicized version of that French name. It’s the big main bayou that runs west to east from Spanish Lake to Oak River Bay and ultimately to Black Bay.