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Do you have a T top? Can you get under the Trestles?
I love that the kids look pumped!
This man can’t be stopped.
If I went down to Hopedale I would look hard at the spot titled “MRGO Oyster Flat” in the IF101 Student .KML file, located in Lake Athanasio.
I talk about it a little here at 8:30 https://www.lafbelite.com/lesson/if101-5-2/
Right now it looks super clear on Geosphere.
Brilliant question. I was just wondering the same thing, and I have ideas. So let’s spitball this.
First of all, thank you for posting it. I practically grab members by the hand and beg them to do this exact thing just to help them catch fish and instead they ask for handouts, lurk or just do something else. So, thank you.
Also, you’ve reported back in the past, so thank you for that as well.
Okay, first thing we look at is wind, right? That’s what will determine where we can and cannot go, where we can and cannot fish. And it looks like the wind is gonna lay down across most of Louisiana tomorrow. This means options.
As you said, the tide range looks great. It will be sunny, which I prefer overcast weather, but whatever. Just make sure you’re fishing at first light.
So, Lake Decade looks clean as a whistle. The NW wind today might murk it up a little but I bet you can go there tomorrow and do good things.
But the wind is laying down and it will be the only time it does for awhile. If you want to learn Lake Pontchartrain, then tomorrow is your chance. In your intro post you said you live in Baton Rouge (see why we post these things?) so I could recommend launching from Williams Blvd boat launch in Kenner. I dunno which 24′ Carolina Skiff you’re running, but I bet it can handle Lake P better than my 19ft tin bass boat. So you’re golden.
If I were you (this is where you read between the lines) I would fish everything between that boat launch and the Hwy 11 bridge on the south side. This includes things that don’t stick out above the water.
After Lake P, I would consider Hopedale. Either the south side of the Rock Dam and further down to Lake Anathasio, or up into the Biloxi Marsh. It’s not cold enough or low enough to make me warrant fishing the Spoil Canal. That and it’s just too close.
If you did go out of Shell Beach and fish the MRGO north of the Rock Dam, then I would look hard at the section of MRGO between Martello Castle and Shell Beach. Water has been clearest there (if you look at the latest satellite imagery) and it’s probably not pressured as bad as the stuff closer to The Wall. Plus you can drift shallower water in the marsh. I would fish where I see grass beds on GED.
If you really wanted to get jiggy with it, you could launch from Pass Christian, MS and run into Mississippi Sound and fish the reefs there, then punch down into Bayou Biloxi from there. Then, when you get back, you’re somewhere nice you can take the fam. The Gulfport lights are nice.
I personally am leaning toward venturing out further away because the wind allows and you just know there’s gonna be a lot of people in the more commonly fished areas. It would be baller to find them biting somewhere all the potlickers are not. Surely they are. Otherwise, anywhere close to where lots of people are will probably have more throwbacks.
I have not repaired an Ulterra. I know this is just a simple search, but skimming this SERP looked promising: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ulterra+repair
After that, I’ve never owned an Ulterra. It just seemed like I could manually deploy the trolling motor like I always have for years and if there ever comes a day when I can’t then maybe I shouldn’t be on the water. I know that’s harsh, but just explaining why I never had one (because it would be handy for sight fishing).
That and it seems like every time I see an Ulterra it’s broken. But, most people also never PMCS their tackle and equipment. Gus and I marvel at the people who dunk their reels in saltwater, never clean them then bring them back to the store because they’re corroded and don’t work. Like, what the hell.
So, for all I know there’s some kind of monthly or annual check on the Ulterra belt that gets overlooked, and it’s a rather simple and hassle-free thing. I just don’t know.
I’m not sure it’s a saltwater thing, either. My uncle who fishes the Tennessee River had a problem with his and he fishes is that easy-breezy freshwater. So I guess it’s a Minn Kota problem. I think having a trolling motor deploy/stow automatically is a huge ask of consumer-grade equipment.
Anyway, based off preliminary search results for that query, I think you can get this fixed and get operational rather quickly.
If you’re looking for parts to order, and diagrams to help find them, then I recommend Northland Marine. No sponsor link or anything like that, I’ve just ordered from them over the years.
I’d look hard at launching out of Myrtle Grove.
Good call on the tires. I’m pretty OCD about mine, but it took years of blow outs and other shenanigans to get me there. Thanks for posting.
AdministratorDecember 28, 2024 at 12:08 pm in reply to: Looking for an extra lowrance power cord?I do not.
Are you positive the cord needs to replaced and it’s not just something else downstream of it?
No problem. Thanks for updating us and be sure to use this forum again when planning to go next. Tight lines!
The river hit 5ft, I wouldn’t go now.
AdministratorDecember 28, 2024 at 8:24 pm in reply to: VENICE 12-26 COMING UP WITH A GAME PLANENo sir, further downstream where there’s the canal that runs to the NW
I’m not sure you would’ve found better fishing in the marsh. They get into the MRGO for a multitude of reasons and that’s it. lol
AdministratorDecember 28, 2024 at 12:10 pm in reply to: VENICE 12-26 COMING UP WITH A GAME PLANEWell you’re light years ahead of where I was in 2017. Yeah, in the content I made regarding that imagery that’s exactly what I pull up to indicate something is horribly wrong there and NOT to go into the canal.
I haven’t caught anything on it.