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Where do you live? I assume your boat is trailerable?
It is mind boggling to me how many people had the day off to go fishing today. Hopedale Marina was packed out all the way to the back!! I’m sure you could’ve walked across all the boats in The Pen. LOL
Good on you getting on them anyway. That’s a testament to your fishing skill and tenacity. Thank you for posting a fishing report!
Well, the river is coming up, so I’m sure that will affect you. For now, fishing The Cove right outside the launch and Shark Bayou are probably your best bet. I’ll do some research and get back to you with more information.
Bada big, bada boom! I’m so glad y’all caught ’em. Isn’t Decade something else? Why can’t Lake Catherine fish like that?! It really is a magical lake. lol
Good call on your GED routes/waypoints. That’s how I rolled for years. No satellite imagery, just a stock map or blank background. GED and .usr files won the day. No expensive mapping card necessary.
Great report. Thanks for posting!
It’s not often I see something done with tackle that I look at and think “holy smokes, that’s smart” or “why didn’t I think of that?” but this is definitely one of those things.
That is s-m-a-r-t. Friggin’ brilliant.
I’m going to rig up a few ASAP and fish with them then report back. I have no reason to believe this rig don’t kick ass, but putting it through a few fishing trips would be good.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Also, don’t hesitate to post Georgia stuff in here, folks can learn from it (myself included). I’ve got a bud that fishes by Kings Bay and it’s a different world out there. That tide is no joke.
You guys have what I like to call a “real tide”. Y’all have something like six foot tides, right?
If Louisiana folk had to put up with that then SeaTow would yanking out a dozen boats every day.
Thanks for saying hi and making use of the forum!
The video for this report just went live today: https://youtu.be/w-7xrBpLhwc
You can see what I am talking about re: the cork bite. It’s just unreal.
According to OneofThePack there were 20-30 boats on the Trestles today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U0r63veBPY
Woe be the man who takes on that challenge. He’s gonna be covering a lot of water.
It’s just insane how many fish are spread out across that lake. Mind boggling.
i’m doing this and biloxi marsh
gonna drift dem ersters
if i finish up early then i may hit up lake p
I don’t think that’s going to affect you very much. Out there in that lake the tide hardly moves. It’s so far back in the marsh and so constricted getting in and out of there (Bayou Decade) that I’m not sure tide is a deal breaker there. I think you’ll be fine.
I would focus on long drifts. Drift about 0.5 to 0.7mph, at least slower than 1. I think that makes a big difference. And just stick with corks. Leave your Whackadoodle 3000 in the rod locker. They won’t bite it nearly as much as something hanging under styrofoam. lol I tried. Didn’t work as well as the cork.
I honestly don’t know. When I launched there in 2019 I had no problems and tons of people were saying that it was unsafe. I think some people say that to keep the Flotilla away from it. I saw a buddy launch there a couple months ago, and he’s a SB regular, so if it worked for him and I’m sure it works for anyone.
Or you can launch from New Orleans RV Resort & Marina for $10. It’s just inside the flood gate.
With that said, you have the boat to run from Williams Blvd boat launch. Why not do that? You’ll get in the water sooner and have a shot at more stuff along the way (like the Causeway and the powerlines).
If you haven’t done Lake Decade, then go try. Definitely fewer throwbacks than what folks are reporting elsewhere, but Lake Decade is the only place out of all of Dularge that I found to be seriously productive. Fortunately, it’s a big lake.
Then you’re light years ahead of the average Ulterra owner. Most just let their equipment sit on the bow and decrapitate. lol
Well, I hope you get it fixed soon. Thanks for posting.