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Tell me that overcast morning was not drop-dead gorgeous. If only it stayed like that all day. Just being there for when the sun was peeking out underneath the clouds made the early wake up and drive worth it.
Great report with your son. Thank you for posting it!
Well, bummer. Sounds like the wind was tough today.
I had another friend fish today and I know he caught a handful of fish, but he didn’t disclose how many. Whenever he does that, then that means he didn’t crush them. When he does crush them there’s a dock shot involved. Not today. I saw the wind blowing while editing video and it would definitely have been tough to fish.
Either way, great report, and thank you for posting it.
Troy, I hate to say it, but launching late hurt your trip. If that’s when you could get out there, I understand. My last few fishing trips to Biloxi Marsh, Lake Pontchartrain and Pointe a la Hache revealed that they bite first thing in the morning. I do think there’s an evening bite, but the morning is/was better.
I know that yesterday by the time 9:30 rolled around it was mostly done.
After that, how were you fishing the rocks? What lure were you using?
That area has been pressured a lot. I’m sure there’s fish in there, but they need to be found. This cold front will put more of them at the Wall.
Great report, thanks for posting it!
Considering the price tag, you can just get a new cheaper reel every few years.
Never heard of them.
The reels appear to be nice, but for all I know that price tag is paying for marketing and not engineering. I just don’t know, but of course I’m skeptical.
If the reels live up to the hype and lasted for years to come, then I’d consider the price tag.
“Otherwise it seems people (myself included) panic and drive off to some comfortable place you’ve “had success at before”.”
This is the most profound thing I’ve read in a long time. Yeah, that’s the psychological aspect of fishing. People totally mindf*ck themselves. There’s nothing wrong with fishing community holes, but a lot of one trick ponies fish them because they’re too mindf*cked to try anywhere else.
“But, I’ve learned that when I go on these family/friend trips that as long as they are getting the most out of it I need to cater to that”
Another profound and spot on observation.
It sounds like you had a good time. Excellent work. Also, I’ve got to note the dedication and stamina. Way to keep going and re-launch in Lake Pontchartrain. You are a machine. lol
Great report, thanks for posting!
Also, great work not getting discouraged and thank you for posting a report for your day one. Some days the trout make you a hero, other days they leave you in the gutter. lol
Great execution on Hwy 11 today.
It blows my mind how folks just won’t fish Hwy 11.
Man, what a day of fishing. Well, I’ve missed all that this season and it looks like today was the last day to really get at ’em out there in the lake. Tomorrow it’s gonna blow it’s butt off and then that front is coming, and if that drops water temps down into the 50s then that’s a wrap for the bridges.
By the way, what water temp did you see on your transducer out there? I’m curious.
It’s good to hear that the bridges delivered. Last year (2023) was so lackluster and disappointing. I’m not surprised at all that the MRGO/Wall was a bust. That place has been getting raked over so much. With that said, it will probably turn on even more with this cold front coming through.
Great report and thank you for posting!
AdministratorJanuary 5, 2025 at 11:34 am in reply to: 1/4/25 Lake P, not the Trestles (Take 3)Have you been fishing at all?
I’m asking because this is something I’m highly opinionated about. The kind of culture within inshore fishing I promote and support is “you gotta give to take”. Where I’m from, you 1,000% cannot tell anyone how to post a report, good or bad, if you don’t post them yourself, whether you’re catching or not. You just can’t.
I think Shooter’s report is excellent, and I think every other report here is excellent. I’m appreciative of anyone taking time to post a report.
Yeah, thank you. I know I was affiliated with Daiwa for a little while, and the manufacturer rep I worked with was awesome, but it was tiring just having to fish with Daiwa stuff. Daiwa does make good stuff, but so does Shimano and others. What matters is looking at how the tackle is made and its specs. I hate seeing people getting strung along just to make the purchase. lol Absolutely gets under my skin. lol
Thank you for seeing that.
$400 is a tough price point, even for a higher end reel. Sorry, I’m never paying $400 for a reel made in China. I’ll just find a Curado 50e on eBay instead.
“but i am intrigued by the idea of making a reel with a one piece, machined body.”
Could I interest you in an automobile featuring quad-design rotary mobility? If so, then you just bought a car with four wheels.
Hi, welcome to the fishing tackle industry, where there’s more hype than originality. I hate to take a giant steaming sh*t on Bates reels, because I never fished with one, but I am willing to bet it’s made at the same factory as other big boxes but with one very important difference: at the end of the assembly line a Bates sticker is attached to it.
And there you go. Very few companies do anything proprietary. It’s cheaper and easier to just order what someone else has already made. Refer to my note above about marketing. Don’t spend the thought-juice thinking of something new, it’s too risky.
C’mon guy. Everyone says their reel is a “oNe piEce aloOmiNum bOdy” because that’s how they’re all made.
Not sure? Here’s a little sleuthing:
From Seviin: “Lightweight & rigid one-piece aluminum frame”
From Lew’s: “one-piece aluminum frames”
From Shimano: “including a one-piece machine-cut aluminum frame”
From 13 Fishing: “one piece HD aluminum frame”
From Daiwa: “saltwater reel designed from a one piece aluminum frame”
And I can go on and on because I’ve BTDT in the tackle industry and know better. Literally just word search “one piece aluminum frame <insert brand name>”.
Now, this doesn’t mean all the companies are full of crap, it doesn’t mean no one makes a good reel. There’s a lot that goes into a good reel and that’s why I preach learning tackle specifications instead of blind brand loyalty.
What goes into selling a reel is a lot more than the reel itself. There’s marketing and customer service. Those go a long way to make the sale and go on damage control when the product sucks.
That and people in the tackle industry know folks are completely unnecessarily and foolishly tribal about their tackle. It’s kinda like Chevy vs Ford: you would think these companies pay people to use their stuff, not the other way around. I think those people should place their loyalty to themselves and not some distant company who doesn’t talk to them or give a sh*t about them.
C’mon guy. If I wanted to sell all of you on one lure or another I could and I would have thousands of people eating out of my hand as I cash a sponsor check every month. But you know what I caught a limit of trout on yesterday? A frikkin’ sparkle beetle.
–> And that’s because the concern for myself and anyone else in the realm of inshore fishing is having good tackle that stands the test of time and doesn’t break the bank. The way to achieve that end is education. <–
I think a good step to that end is to post here asking what’s good and what’s not. At least myself can chime in, and there’s a slew of other talented, experienced anglers who can chime in as well.
Thank you.
I pretty much do the same thing, and make an effort to fish the whole thing. It may be “ugly” at first, like I’m forced to cast into the wind, but I just focus on getting the bait where I think the fish are and, if I get bit, re-position the boat where needed so I can cast with the wind to my back.
I am also looking at the graph. How is the bottom shaped? What’s the structure of this point? If it’s shallow (3ft or less, let’s say) then I am being cognizant of the trolling motor and how much noise it makes. I don’t think noise really matters to fish in 30ft of water, but in 3ft of water it absolutely does. So if I’m being aggressive with the trolling motor and only catch a couple fish, then I know that properly positioning the boat and anchoring so no TM is necessary could land more.
Next time I fish the point I’ll have an idea as where to immediately position the boat and, if necessary, be as stealthy as possible.
Another note: sometimes they’re off the point and the tideline coming off of it. They were today. They were a good bomb cast with a cork off the point. That’s why you fan cast. If I didn’t fan cast around the boat I would have left that first spot and drove right over those fish. Breaks my heart just imagining it. lol
“so I hope you Saying to start closer to Sweetwater wasn’t a strong nudge to the right direction today lol”
It was.
So was:
“towards Bay Jack Nevette and Pointe Fienne”
You should do that again first thing in the morning. If anyone ever asks why you went do not say “bEcaUse dEviN sAiD”. You figured it out yourself.I think Point 18 could have been money. But I dunno, I got out to Bay LaFourche and caught specks out there, so it’s reasonable to assume that your Point 15 would have been good. I think you did good given the circumstances. Learning where they ain’t is part of the process. Wherever you caught trout today, look for them in the nearest deep holes, or just in Oak River after this cold front.
Wooooo!!!! Can’t wait!