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  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 2:41 pm in reply to: First Time Attempt to Fish Delacroix and GED

    You’re gonna wanna go back over that route to Little Lake. The key to using GED is to zoom in and look at where you want to go, just like I do in this planning video:

    In that canal, there are two walls blocking the way. Consider this: if you didn’t see those, then what else is there that you may have overlooked?

    I know it’s a little bit of a PITA to zoom in and out that much, but it is nowhere the PITA ruining your boat is. Believe me, I’ve learned that the hard way. I really don’t wish that for you.

    Now, with that said, the path down Bayou Gentilly is what you want to take. I see that @olw3rd got you squared away on that, but that exact route is also covered in detail inside 101 here:

    It’s very important you understand the context of why that route is not so obvious at first glance because, on the day you want to go fishing, the water is going to be low. I’m looking at the predicted conditions now and there’s gonna be a stiff NW wind kicking up the day before that will blow a lot of water out of the marsh. It is not going to be the time for innocent mistakes. If so, you will be, at best, using that SeaTow membership. Hopefully not something worse.

    So, here’s my advice to you: go back over those videos linked above and make sure you have that subject matter committed to heart. Saturday will test your navigational skills.

    Now, after that, the spots you picked are pretty good. They play well with the predicted wind. I would like to add something: your “deep hole” spot in Grand Lake could do really well, but do look for redfish and puppy drum on the shoreline in shallow water south of it.

    Recall Stairs Theory: all those fish are going to drain out of the shallower marsh to the west. That NW corner and west shoreline could do really good.

    After that, I personally feel a lot of trout are going to get into Oak River. Your least wet/most safest route there would be down through Grand Lake into Orange Bayou. Crossing Little Lake to the Pencil Canal is gonna be rough and wet.

  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 9:25 am in reply to: Mrgo

    Bait, Inc or Eddie Pinto’s are both good launches to use. When were you thinking of going?

  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 8:59 am in reply to: Trailer steps

    “My 38 year old knees are feeling it, jumping from the boat to the ground and such.”

    I humbly recommend 2000mg of fish oil a day and stretch out regularly. It goes a long way. I’m about the same age and have some wear and tear ruck marching, jumping, etc. and those two things have gone a long way to avoid surgery and remain active. YMMV

    “falling from 4-5’ in the air, landing my torso/rips on the tongue of the trailer.”

    Ouch. Man, I felt that. Ugh.

    Well, I’d say get the cheap ones and see if you even like it, use it, etc. Yeah, it’s steel, but at least it’s easy to maintenance because you can remove it to sand and repaint. Steel rusts, but not that bad (my trailer is steel).

  • Devin

    January 5, 2025 at 5:20 pm in reply to: Redfish Jubilee 2025

    A Jubilee could happen with the predicted conditions. If it doesn’t happen on the side of the road, it will certainly happen in the marsh. Good luck!

  • Devin

    January 5, 2025 at 5:08 pm in reply to: Boat question

    What kind of seats? Seats on a pedestal? Or seats that bolt to a bench?

  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 11:16 am in reply to: Redfish Jubilee 2025

    Just go have fun, maybe just don’t take 40 redfish home in a cooler.

  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 9:34 am in reply to: Bates Fishing Tackle Reels

    “Maybe playing pickleball on the weekends? *barf*”

    Sounds awful lol I’d rather reel in hardheads lol

  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 9:23 am in reply to: Redfish Jubilee 2025

    I think the Jubilee is great because it allows non-boaters to enjoy great fishing action, but I wouldn’t be upset if LDWF forbade fishing it.

  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 9:22 am in reply to: Redfish Jubilee 2025

    I’d put blame on the dead shrimp charter guides, bow fishermen and the rise of sight fishing.

    Used to, as a fishing guide east of the river, you never solely targeted redfish. If you did, you were seen as being a pussy. Speckled trout came first, redfish second. Even in July, you had better be making the run to Breton Sound at butt o’clock to catch them trout and, if you didn’t, it was because the wind was blowing 20mph and you had to stay “inside” to catch reds.

    Redfish were always a Plan B to speckled trout.

    Then some wiseguy figured out how he could take charters out just to catch redfish. No more early wakeups, no more cleaning 100 trout, no more keeping shrimp alive. The argument: iT’s bUsiNesS sMaRt.

    I’m sure this guy thought he was so slick. This happened the same time the explosion of “fishing guides” occurred, when the masses realized you really only need a room-temperature IQ and clean piss test to become a “captain”. Literally the same people who use heading-up on their graphs and have no idea where north is, have a second job doing something else or guide as a “lifestyle”, change their Facebook name to “captain” and are never to be found at LWF Commission meetings: they’re a drain on the resource.

    Then about 15 years ago sight fishing became popular. When I was a kid, the idea of seeing a redfish and casting to it was virtually unheard of. You pretty much only threw shrimp under a cork or gold spoons to them. Today you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a boat with a stand on it. So now there’s another way redfish are being solely targeted (and not released). I don’t need to explain bow fishing.

    Anyway. Slot reds don’t leave the marsh. They are there year-round to get hammered on by these troglodyte simpletons. They did this for years and cannot put two and two together to figure out why there were so many fish under 16 inches (now 18) and over 27 inches, but nothing in between.

    Is it because “porpoises” only eat redfish in the slot?

    Is it because pogey boats only net bycatch redfish in the slot?

    Is it because land loss only kills redfish in the slot?

    Is it because river water only kills redfish in the slot?

    What exclusively kills redfish in the slot? Hmmmmm.

    On top of being in the marsh year round, it takes redfish some 4-5 years to reach maturity. This is very different from speckled trout, that only need a year, maybe less. So, that’s why I put slots back in the water. I do not keep slot redfish.

    We did not drop the redfish limit enough.

  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 9:04 am in reply to: Bates Fishing Tackle Reels

    To be clear, I’ll pay top dollar for a reel made by some guy living in Kyoto, but I will hesitate for a re-branded, mass produced reel from China. I’m sure that makes sense.

  • Devin

    January 6, 2025 at 9:02 am in reply to: Bates Fishing Tackle Reels

    Those Shimano reels then were made in Japan. Today they’re mostly made elsewhere. The JDM stuff really is better and you can find on eBay. The Indonesia/Thailand/China stuff is hit and miss in terms of living up to the JDM reels.

    I could be biased, but the Japanese have an ethos that seeps through their work into the product they put their hands on, or at least oversee the manufacturing of. There could be information I’m missing, but how does an Curado E-series reel hold up 15 years later of saltwater use?

  • Devin

    January 5, 2025 at 8:02 pm in reply to: Best Site to see water clarity real time


    And here:

    I would not put that much stock into these resources. They’re good for getting a good idea on a large general area. For example, is the west side of Lake P clean to fish redfish on the powerlines there? That’s the kind of question the two resources above are good to answer.

    Outside of that, you risk going on a wild goose chase. I think we inshore anglers put way too much weight on finding “clean water”. Well, if that’s all I did this year then there are several trips I would not have caught any trout.

    This is what I told @leviwalters a few days ago, do you want to find clear water or do you want to catch trout? The trout I caught on the 3rd were in garbage water tainted by the river. But they were there.

    The Biloxi Marsh has way better looking water than Pointe a la Hache, but a fraction of the fish.

    Some people think they can look at this imagery and unlock where the trout are biting. That’s not realistic because, at best, the resolution is still 250m meters per pixel. That’s larger than a fishing spot. So a great fishing spot can have clear water and you’d never discern it with that imagery.

    That’s why I put weight on using GED to find where clear water is historically: Follow the trend, because that’s what the fish know.

    That’s how I ferreted out the spot I caught ’em at on the 3rd and the day before that. The above resources are only tools, not shortcuts.

  • Devin

    January 5, 2025 at 3:14 pm in reply to: 1/4/25 Lake P, not the Trestles (Take 3)

    ha ha ha ha ha well said

    Yeah, it makes sense that if they had empty stomachs then they were hungry and that’s why they were biting. LOL I mean, I guess. That’s when I eat. lol I’ll die an old man before I ever learn it all.

  • Devin

    January 5, 2025 at 11:51 am in reply to: Delacroix Saturday 1/4/25

    I caught up with him and he said that between him and a couple other guides they nearly caught an 8 man limit of trout. Like, they had 8 customers spread between the three of them. As far as location: not Fienne, and shallow. They corked ’em. I’m not sure what to tell you. They undoubtedly had an easier time boat positioning with all the wind. Wind makes everything tougher. Better luck next time.

  • Devin

    January 5, 2025 at 11:49 am in reply to: 1/4/25 Lake P, not the Trestles (Take 3)

    This is why I hate centralized platforms on the Internet. Yeah, don’t buy off Amazon first.

    Buck Perry has long been dead, but his brand has a website. Find his book for $24.95 here:–your-Guide-to-Lunker-Catches–Soft-Cover-Edition_p_88.html

    People resell on Amazon for an easy profit and it’s gross.

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