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Yeah, that’s the like the highest the river is gonna be all year. It will also be one of the coldest times of the year. Water elsewhere in Louisiana will be warmer because it hadn’t spent the previous few days flowing down from where it’s frozen.
You may not know, but to go to Venice in March you sure would be driving past a bunch of other places that are gonna be way easier to fish and most likely have more fish. If you’re just looking for bull reds, drum and cats, then you can launch out of Slidell and go fish those on the L&N bridge (railroad bridge that cross Rigolets Pass), or even fish the powerlines on the west side of Lake Pontchartrain *if* the wind cooperates.
You can do the exact same thing soaking dead shrimp at the Rock Dam in Hopedale and further south at the Long Rocks. That’s way easier than messing with the river.
Yep, USGS and NDBC.
Look at the Fishing Trip Resources Course. They’re both in there.
AdministratorJanuary 9, 2025 at 6:51 am in reply to: Most environmentally intact area of Marsh in Louisianalol Welcome to Louisiana.
Probably Biloxi Marsh, then Chandeleur Islands. Anywhere further out. Cocodrie, maybe.
I’m not sure why you’re asking, but the dead end canals and infrastructure enhances fishing in a lot of ways.
If it were up to me, none of it would have happened. It would just be pristine marsh, no oil field trash, no exploratory digs, no MRGO etc. Yes, I know the ramifications of all that. I’ve thought about it a lot, have looked over old maps. I’m willing to bet very few people, if any, have bent their thoughts towards the matter more than myself. I have spent a lot of time looking at maps and reading about the coast.
Why not unpainted jigheads? I buy them in bulk from Gus’s in Slidell. I’m positive the same guy who supplies Gus also supplies Chag’s, probably Puglia’s, too.
I have fished with this a little bit so far. So far, so good. But I have yet to really hammer the trout with it. We shall see. I’ll report back whenever that happens.
“which seems to be heads above the rest”
Thank you.
I appreciate you taking time to post an intro. I assume when you fished BASS, etc. you did so as a co-angler? That’s good stuff. Certainly not easy to do. I think a lot of bass fishing translates well to inshore fishing.
Do not hesitate to post how you fish or plan to fish wherever in Alabama in order to get feedback from us. Patterns are patterns, and I know I could give you a fresh perspective, as well as others. In bass tournaments, it’s hardly ever the guy on his home lake who wins, it’s the guy from out of town with a fresh perspective. Consider the Yankees that won Classics in Louisiana.
Great intro, thanks for posting it, and don’t hesitate to leverage this Community. Tight lines, Rodney!
I need to learn more about this, then.
But this one thing is for sure: the only constant in Louisiana is change.
I love this advice.
“I laughed, butttttttttttt c’mon dude. Who gives AF what anyone thinks?”
To be clear, the mentality then was “if you can’t catch limits of trout, then you can’t book trips” very much like right now it’s “if you can’t keep fish for a massive dock shot then you can’t book trips”. It makes me feel challenged to start guiding again just to prove that wrong. lol
“great example of this is Marshes and Hills with Ty Hillman (probably the best sight-fishing YT channel to date).”
Is this a challenge for me to dust off GnarTooth and start pumping out sight fishing videos that blow your brain? Don’t make me do it!!! lol
So no translation needed? Interesting. I love that.
As for the separate track, it sounds like they weren’t saved individually at the end of the day, so they ran together as one track. My Helix does that, so at the end of each fishing trip I save the current track and it automatically names the track the date-time group.
How did you transfer to GED?
After that, you can edit that track just like any track in GED: right click on it in the Places window, select Properties, then begin editing. Easy day.
I don’t see any reason why not. Trout are incredibly fecund. So long as the river plays nice and we don’t get any major storms. I am optimistic. I think we are going to see reports, especially in Breton Sound, of people complaining they can’t keep a limit (or at least it will be harder to fill one) because of all the trout over 20 inches.
You’re welcome.
I’m not sure what you’re targeting out of Port Sulphur, but whether it’s reds or specks I am sure you will smash them. Lots of oysters down there. Lots of potential and unique things. You should hit the stumps at Grand Bayou (like fish them, not with your boat lol)
I’ve seen bay boats launch there during summer.
I think your boat will be fine. Yes, it’s a little shallower toward the end, just make sure you’re on plane and hammered down.
I think you’ll be good.