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  • Devin

    August 2, 2024 at 10:01 am in reply to: 7-14-24 Vermilion Bay Speckled Trout

    Wooooo! A V-Bay report! Most excellent. That place kicked ass last year and looks like it is again this year. The Saltening is upon us!

    Great report, thanks for posting!

    For anyone interested, I detailed this exact area (and running SW Pass) inside the Planning section of the new Inshore Fishing 101.

  • Devin

    August 1, 2024 at 11:05 am in reply to: This weekend fishing

    Mike, that could be good, but if I were you I’d look hard at headed down the Twin Pipeline and fishing those islands for redfish. There will be some “dirty” river water but don’t let that deter you.

    This .KML file I made here will give you some good ideas (or just fish those exact spots).

    Or, at the bare minimum, keep those as a backup for Plan Redfish in the event the trout spots further out aren’t productive.

  • Devin

    August 1, 2024 at 10:50 am in reply to: 7-31-24 Vermilion Bay Speckled Trout

    That area is turning on and will only get better. I saw Caleb Sumrall is running charters out there, which says a lot: if the trout fishing is so good that a bass angler is guiding trips out of there then the fishing must be good.

    Last year V-Bay kicked a lot of ass and was restored to her former glory, what I hope to see happen across Louisiana in the Saltening.

    This is a great report and I appreciate you taking time to post it. IIRC, you’re headed to Venice next. Good luck out there!

  • Devin

    July 31, 2024 at 6:06 pm in reply to: Looking for a trailer place

    “oh your trailer doesn’t have brakes”

    WHAT?! lol Like what the hell?

    I’ve only ever gotten parts from them, but based upon what you said I wouldn’t go back.

    I ran into the same problem as you: I couldn’t find anyone I could pay who would care as much about my trailer as me, so I did it myself.

    Absolute pain in the ass, but then I know the work is good.

    When I did the carpet myself, I just got a roll off Amazon (but I’m sure BoatStuf on Old Spanish Trail sells it, too), got some stainless steel staples, double wrapped that bad boy and stapled the underside of it like closing someone up post-surgery.

    You could just bring it to Boat Stuf, but they’re backed up by 3-4 weeks right now. (I’m waiting to take my Tracker there).

    You could try Cypress Cove on Pontchartrain Drive. They just did my Yamaha F70. I know that’s not a trailer, but I did have them change the chain on my trailer, and I was happy with the work they did on both items.

    It’s nice doing a job “extra” when I do it myself, but these days I’d rather pay someone to do it. So I don’t blame you if you don’t want to. Take it to Cypress Cove and be crystal clear what your issue is.

  • Devin

    July 30, 2024 at 5:19 pm in reply to: Planning a trip to Chandeleur Island – Any tips? Ideas?

    I looked high and low for that GPS track and couldn’t find it. It’s somewhere, but I have three different computers and if I didn’t name it something unique then it won’t be found until I go through every .GPX, .USR and .KML file on those drives.

    I did come across a preliminary picking-out-spots .KML that you will find attached below.

    Ultimately, it will depend on the conditions on the day of your trip.

    After that, I get the impression from folks in general that Chandeleur is some kind of untouched Garden of Eden for fishing.

    It is not.

    It is touched. A lot. There’s still a good deal of fishing pressure and it’s gonna be like any other place: you will have to put in your time and cover water.

    Don’t be shocked if running south to the rigs in Breton Sound turns out to be a better idea than drifting grass flats all day or sharing the community holes known as North Islands and Freemason.

    Freemason can be good! Don’t discount it, just don’t be shocked if you get there and there’s a dozen boats and everything is sitting there slack-jawed not catching anything.

    I think you’d be stupid if you didn’t hit Central Rig. The only thing that would keep me away from that complex is if:

    1.) The folks at the Islander had some incredibly awesome intel to offer, something beyond whatever usual thing they tell every Tom, Dick and Harry staying there.

    2.) If the conditions don’t allow (i.e. wind)

    3.) If I didn’t have sonar. It sure is nice to see those bait balls to let you know you’re in the right spot.

    After that, what you do depends on your goals. I get it, you wanna catch all the red snapper, trout and redfish you can. Well, we all do. Welcome to the club.

    But I think that if you want to catch a limit of trout, then you will have to focus on that. If you want to catch a legit hammer trout (something like 27″, not 20″) then you’re going to have to focus on that.

    I think the advantage of staying out there is that you’ll be right there and ready to make a better decision because you have personal intel from the day before. Not to mention you can talk to other anglers who were also out there, as well as the staff.

    Look at that Breton Sound Beatdown file I made and put it in your GPS. That could be good for you.

    Good luck! I think you stand to kick some ass if the conditions play nice!

  • Devin

    July 30, 2024 at 5:00 pm in reply to: Proctor’s Point Routes (Lake Borgne, Shell Beach Area)

    Thank you, @mariocampo

    Here are some pics in case anyone cannot open the .PDF (for whatever reason).

  • Devin

    July 30, 2024 at 4:27 pm in reply to: Intro- Jacob from Loranger

    Hey Jacob, thanks for posting an intro!

    Yeah, I like this format, too. 🙂 Definitely spent a pretty penny and a lot of time putting it together, but it’s worth it. It’s a lot easier to focus on the community when there’s not umpteen reels and viral posts vying for your attention.

    I heard there are redfish on the Causeway, and of course there’s the Kenner Rigs and powerlines out of Manchac. Someone recently posted a report for the powerlines and caught some out there.

    After that, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a great fall in Lake Pontchartrain. Last year was spotty, but some great action was to be had if you didn’t mind looking in unconventional places.

    If you ever want help planning your next fishing trip, then don’t hesitate to post about it in the General Discussion forum.

    Thank you so much, Jacob!

  • Devin

    July 30, 2024 at 4:23 pm in reply to: The Mighty Mississippi is doing her thang again…

    Me watching the River dropping below 5ft on August 5th.

  • Devin

    July 30, 2024 at 4:20 pm in reply to: Westwego quick trip

    This report has me pumped. I am hoping that those areas turn on with white shrimp in the months to come. If they do, it will be slam-hammer heaven on the speckled trout and redfish.

    I also wonder how the redfish are doing at the rigs in Salvador.

    Whenever I would sight fish redfish I’d head to the south shoreline of Salvador, but haven’t been there since Ida. I see that it’s blown out on GED. I just hope the grass is still there.

    I think you’re right about the sediment, because anywhere in the outfall of the River, where that sediment drops out, the bottom gets hard. Like something you would see in the River itself.

    I do know that in many places in Salvador where I dropped a Power Pole, I could hear the fiberglass spear scraping on what sounded like shells. I wonder if there used to be (and still is) a slew of rangia clams in Salvador like there is in Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne.

    That sure does help keep the water clean.

    I appreciate your report, and think that good things are coming to Cataouatche and Salvador. I hope so! It’d be badass to fish Whiskey Canal after a strong cold front!

  • Devin

    July 30, 2024 at 4:16 pm in reply to: David-fish anywhere for Fourchon to Lake Borgne

    David, thank you for posting an intro.

    Yeah, I kinda was in the same boat as you: grew up fishing one area (Biloxi Marsh) and eventually branched out to pretty much everywhere else. lol

    Things you learn in SeaBrook helps to catch fish in The Jump. What you can learn fishing Caernarvon extends to anywhere just outside Davis Pond. It’s kinda cool how it’s all related, but also so different.

    Man, I love Westwego. What a great place. I used to run airboats and slowboats out of Ultimate Swamp Adventures behind the seafood market. That was a good time and before they put in the idle zone. It was a lot of fun, but I understand why the idle zone was put it. Airboats can be annoying if you’re trying to sleep or enjoy the peace and quiet.

    I saw the report you posted and will comment on it shortly. It’s pretty cool to see that inshore species are being found so far north. I think it’s a sign of the Saltening.

    Now, I did push redfish with the airboat in Yankee Pond (before it was filled in) and saw a guy catch a sheepshead in a dead end canal behind Devil’s Elbow, but I am hoping that the inshore fishing is picking up to what it was 12 years ago.

    Thanks for joining LAFB Elite, having an open mind and for posting a fishing report!

    Tight lines, David!

  • Devin

    July 29, 2024 at 4:45 pm in reply to: Planning a trip to Chandeleur Island – Any tips? Ideas?

    What boat are you going in? That 22ft Bad Cats?

    I may have some GPS tracks for that area somewhere. They’re mostly horribly organized, but if I can find it then I will post it here. They are tracks running out of Pass Christian to Gosier and back. I almost ran out of gas. lol

    I’ll let you know ASAP

  • Devin

    July 29, 2024 at 10:25 am in reply to: Robert abner – shell beach

    I love that boat! Blazer makes a great bay boat. The bow is nice, the non-capped hulls are great (I assume yours isn’t capped).

    Nothing against capped boats, they’re beautiful, it’s just one more thing to take care of. I’ll take the shrimp boat finish, thank you. lol

    So that’s an inshore fishing machine!

    Having that spot in Fort B is nice, too. You can hop into Campo’s real quick if needed.

    I dunno if you’ve seen it or not, but this post Breton Sound Beatdown 100% applies to you and your boat.

    I ran Breton Sound a lot from 2011 to 2014 and ran a Pathfinder 2200V, which is practically an identical hull to the one you have.

    Just make sure your radio works or you have some method to get a shout out to the world in case something goes wrong.

    Tight lines, and I hope to see some fishing reports soon. Thanks for posting an intro!

  • Devin

    August 1, 2024 at 5:43 pm in reply to: 7-31-24 Vermilion Bay Speckled Trout

    Do you mean East Bay? If you started a new post about this very thing it would be a lot easier for others to pipe in. I’d love to help you make the best of your upcoming Venice trip!

  • Devin

    August 1, 2024 at 4:39 pm in reply to: Try these fishing spots for redfish (map & kml download)

    It’s the canal that runs south from Terre aux Beouf down through 4 Horse all the way down to Pointe a la Hache. It’s pretty much one big canal now, but used to be two canals with a thin strip of marsh between them.

  • Devin

    July 30, 2024 at 11:18 am in reply to: 7-28-24 Grand Isle Speckled Trout

    Yeah, I may have allegedly done that and it allegedly does work, but the fireworks get soggy over time. Even if they don’t get wet, the humid air and damp environment of a boat causes them to get wet enough where they won’t light or explode.

    Of course, this is all hypothetical. I’ve never done anything mean to a dolphin(s), accidentally or intentionally. I’ve definitely never thrown small explosives in the water, or at animals, especially nowhere near critical oil & gas infrastructure.


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