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Thanks for the report. I may try Delacroix tomorrow even though the tide sucks.
Great trip! A day with your son on the water watching him have fun is impossible to beat. That’s awesome!
Awesome day again! You steady stay on those fish. I love it.
Thanks for your report! I’ll be launching out of Myrtle Grove tomorrow.
Thank you for the report! Awesome bite at the rock dam. I bet that was awesome!
What a day man. I bet that top water bite was a fantastic feeling. Awesome report. Thank you!
Man, what a great ending to a grind of a day! I’m glad your persistence paid off.
I think theres something with that side of the river around Baptiste. My younger brother and his friends caught a 4 man limit yesterday in some bays just north up river from Baptiste. They also had another guy with them who caught a limit in Main Pass. Hopefully with these cold fronts coming the trout will move into their usual spots.
Great report!
This is excellent info on the Lake! Thank you for sharing! Great trip as well.
What a day. Hell of a grind! I thought sure you would find them in all the areas you fished initially. I figured I just suck at fishing and you would catch them for me. lol.
It is wild about the weather and how warm it is. When I was there last, I saw tons of boats running down Joseph Bayou into East Bay. It was bay boats and flats boats. It made me wonder if there may be a bite down there.
I know the Carter brothers with ReelShot Guide Service have been hammering the trout down there, and I was listening to a podcast with Brandon Carter talking about how much he loves behind that sand bar in East Bay, so maybe theres something down there. I want to check it out on my next trip there, but hopefully when that comes we will have had a cold front, the water temp will drop, and the trout will move into their normal spots so I won’t have to run all the way down there, though I’m not opposed to it.
Crazy you had to go find the trout all the way north at Bay Denesse. Still glad you found them though to make it worth your grind! Great report.
I am new to Venice and have only made 3 trips down there, but all were recent. I have not hammered them down there yet so take my advice for what it’s worth, but I have done extensive research of Venice.
This time of year is when the Trout are closest to the marina. When the river is low they get up in the passes and even in the MS River itself. Any cut off the main river would be worth trying. The Jump is a great place to start.
The biggest hurdle when it comes to Venice is the navigation aspect. Do your homework on GED and map out safe routes to get to the places you want to fish first and foremost. Also, make sure your trolling motor is working properly, because you’re going to need it.
My suggestion would be to pick a general area that you want to fish, pick out some spots, map routes to get to those spots, then post them here. I know Devin will chime in and I will try to help you as much as I can. There are some other members who can give feedback on Venice too.
“Water temp was 64 degrees. lol Just kidding, it was 76 because this November is wild and warm. I have no idea what’s going on.”
My heart dropped a little bit when I read 64 degrees. Seriously, this water temp and weather sucks.
Thanks man! You provided the intel!
“Our wives were already not thrilled we went fishing today”
“The wind is laying down and there’s a 1ft tide, what do they expect?!”
Yeah, the river being is not making me happy! Although my brother and his friends have still be hammering the trout in Venice.
I think a MG or Dularge video would be awesome! I don’t know that I’ve seen any content from Dularge from you, so I would be intrigued to see it
Devin. Quit being silly and go to Venice!
Go see if they’re in East Bay behind that sandbar. Please!