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  • Devin

    January 9, 2025 at 11:12 am

    Yeah, that’s the like the highest the river is gonna be all year. It will also be one of the coldest times of the year. Water elsewhere in Louisiana will be warmer because it hadn’t spent the previous few days flowing down from where it’s frozen.

    You may not know, but to go to Venice in March you sure would be driving past a bunch of other places that are gonna be way easier to fish and most likely have more fish. If you’re just looking for bull reds, drum and cats, then you can launch out of Slidell and go fish those on the L&N bridge (railroad bridge that cross Rigolets Pass), or even fish the powerlines on the west side of Lake Pontchartrain *if* the wind cooperates.

    You can do the exact same thing soaking dead shrimp at the Rock Dam in Hopedale and further south at the Long Rocks. That’s way easier than messing with the river.
