LAFB Elite | Inshore Fishing Courses Designed For Louisiana › Forums › Fishing Reports › Lafitte 12-30-24 › Reply To: Lafitte 12-30-24
It really gets to me when there are that many people out there. It seems to me that is when the inexperienced boaters are out and they can really mess things up. Today I was trolling along a structure…like obviously moving and a boat pulled up literally on my cork about 40 yards ahead of me. I’m polite at first but if a guy is a jerk back to me, I will waste my trip to ruin theres. I fish a few times a week and I am not the one be an ahole to. Im not confrontational but I refuse to let a guy dictate my day when i make sure to get out early to avoid this very issue. This guy took it well and apologized. I went around him and life went on.