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  • Devin

    December 15, 2024 at 9:12 pm

    Thanks for providing that. So where we fished was a little northwest of you, but essentially the same body of water. We were just drifting and popping corks and would spot lock when we caught fish and fan cast around.

    Of course, that was before the nasty cold front, so I am not sure what to tell you. I heard that some guides whacked the trout in Delacroix today in “Grand Lagoon” but there is no Grand Lagoon. There is one in Slidell, or maybe the person meant Grand Lake, but I do not recall much, if any, trout coming from there.

    In the last few days I got less-than-stellar reports coming out of Delacroix.

    If it gives you any comfort, I got my ass kicked today, too. lol It happens. But I think you experienced some kind of fluke in Delacroix. I’m going to get more information then report back here if/when I get it.

    Either way, great report, thanks for posting it!
