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  • Boyce

    January 9, 2025 at 11:24 am

    I have never fished Venice in March but I will give this my best shot based off what I’ve learned.

    The river will definitely be higher and the water will be dirty. It will be on a warming trend, but the river itself will likely have cooler water temps than everywhere else around it, such as the outer bays.

    March in Louisiana is a weird month because it will feel like spring with some days of summer mixed in, but then you’ll still have a random cold front come through that will make it feel like Antarctica. So the weather is just wild. It’s also typically windy so that will affect where you will be able to fish.

    What kind of boat are you running? That will have an impact on where you can go.

    If you’re looking for big fish, then my strategy would be to fish the outer bays off the main passes wherever water will be the cleanest. That will depend on the wind direction and river levels. West Bay down around the mouth of SW Pass can be good for bull reds. I’ve got a buddy who targets big fish only, and his go to for Bull Reds in Venice is West Bay near the mouth of SW Pass.

    I’ve also heard of people catching Bull Reds around the mouths of Red Pass and Tiger Pass.

    If you want to catch gigantic blue cats, then you really won’t have to go far. Try fishing the main passes near the marinas. Especially close to the cleaning tables. You may not even need a boat to do this. I know for a fact you can catch monsters with this strategy.

    I could be way off on all of this FYI. This was just off the cuff information but if it were me, I would roll with it and see what happens. Hope this helps.
