LAFB Elite Community

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  • Devin

    December 11, 2024 at 6:42 pm

    Well, if you want to put in your time to learn Hopedale for the sake of it, then Saturday will be doable. Windy but doable. Stump Lagoon could be good to drift, and the deep holes in Bayou Biloxi could be good, too. Muscle Bay and Pete’s could be worth drifting.

    But, in years past, Biloxi Marsh has not held a candle to Delacroix and I don’t think it is right now. I think you’d be set to fish bays like Bay Jack Nevette and Pointe Fienne off of Oak River. Your biggest challenge will be safely navigating down there, but if you made routes and posted them here, we can check them for you.
