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  • Devin

    October 14, 2024 at 5:40 pm

    Yeah, so this is pretty much a copy/paste Devin fall trip to the Biloxi Marsh. LOL Great minds think alike.

    It looks like the wind is gonna blow out of the E/NE for awhile before the day of your trip. Water will be up, but it WILL fall with a 2ft tide range. Not as much if that wind weren’t blowing, but it will. So you have that going for you.

    After that, I wouldn’t fish Shell Beach area right away. With high tide at 3:30am you may have some falling water first thing in the morning, but it won’t be falling hard. Even if it is, it wouldn’t have been falling as the other side of the marsh toward Lake Eugenie would be.

    I would haul ass straight for that bayou at the bottom of the Lakes of Bayou Marron (#16), because high tide over there is closer to a full three hours ahead. Then I would fish that hard 90-degree bend in Bayou Biloxi, as well as your 21, and anywhere I see a buttload of diving birds. I would fish the north shoreline of Muscle Bay (your 22 and 23 are great) and Stump Lagoon. The mouth of Crooked Bayou going into Eugenie will probably be getting rocked by that wind but don’t be surprised if birds, shrimp and fish are there anyway.

    Then I’d work my way back and hit those spots you have along St. Malo.
