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  • kevinm

    August 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    do a good bit off-roading so ill recommend 4×4 for the simple fact of better to have it and not need it……………..

    that said you would be amazed by the difference quality tires and lowering the tire pressure makes in most situations .

    (when we are talking slippery boat ramp)

    specially whit the extra weight of the trailer and boat just lowering the tire pressure to 20 psi will probably double your tires contact patch= double the traction.

    would stay away from using locking differential in wet/slippery conditions might hurt more then it helps

    long story short any full size truck out there should do everything you need any extras is just a +.

    in general i believe the rule is to keep whatever you towing below 80% of your max tow rating.

    the longer the wheelbase of the tow vehicle the higher the tow rating and smother the ride
